Doctors working together

In Canada, Community Health Centers (CHCs) are key players in promoting health and well-being within their communities. These nonprofit organizations deploy primary healthcare and health promotion programs targeted at individuals, families, and the community. Their main goal is strengthening people’s ability to take responsibility for their health while fostering healthy community environments.

Why Community Health Centers Promote Well-being in Canada

One of the highlights of CHCs is their community governance approach. Each health center has a board of directors elected by the community, ensuring that decisions and actions are taken considering the needs of the people they serve.

CHCs collaborate with individuals, families, and communities to offer primary care and health promotion services. Their programs range from education and counselling on accessing community resources to health promotion initiatives in settings such as schools, housing developments, and workplaces.

Additionally, CHCs establish links with support and self-help groups that provide peer education and emotional support to those facing specific health challenges.

In child and family health, CHCs offer programs that address various needs. These include preventing and treating domestic violence, parenting education to enhance children’s healthy development, and access to meeting spaces and resources for parents and children.

CHCs implement programs to address issues related to peer relationships and healthy sexuality, providing support and guidance to youth during this crucial stage of their lives.

CHCs Addressing the Health Needs of Youth

These centers also promote health and well-being among youth, recognizing that this population has particular health and wellness needs. They offer primary care services for youth aged 14 to 24, tailored to the local needs of this age group.

Their programs include addressing risks associated with poverty and teenage pregnancy through activities related to prenatal and postnatal support, the creation of community kitchens and food-buying cooperatives, self-help groups related to family violence, meeting spaces for homeless youth, employment search support, and family counselling.

In Ontario, three community health centers specifically focus on providing youth services: The SHOUT Clinic in Toronto, Planned Parenthood Toronto, and the Teen Health Centre in Windsor.

If you wish to learn more, do not hesitate to contact ServiceOntario. Their agents are available Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to assist you.

Community Health Centers are making a positive difference in communities by promoting health and well-being and strengthening people’s capacity to care for themselves and their loved ones!

For more information, call ServiceOntario, INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 (toll-free). In Toronto, (416) 314-5518 TTY 1-800-387-5559 In Toronto, TTY (416) 327-4282

For more information, visit

If you want health information in Canada, check out our article on The First Community Dental Clinic in London, ON.



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